Cameron Dew
Name: Cameron Dew
Gender: M
Natonality: NZL

5 search results (5 Events, 316.592 km)

Date Event Overall M Distance Time
2023 2 Events, 147.532 km
2023-08-11 5. The Clint Eastwood Backyard Ultra (60h )6543 80.472 km60:00:00 h
2023-04-08 Dead Cow Gully Backyard Ultra (42h )8659 67.060 km42:00:00 h
2022 1 Events, 67.060 km
2022-08-12 The Clint Eastwood Backyard Ultra (59h )12591 67.060 km59:00:00 h
2018 1 Events, 52.000 km
2018-01-14 Glasshouse Hares And Hounds 52 km Trail Run (52km trail)2317 52.000 km 7:00:06 h
2012 1 Events, 50.000 km
2012-07-29 Glasshouse Flinders Tour 50 km (50km trail)5139 50.000 km 7:10:52 h